Blog Post

Benefits of Belonging to a Photographic Club

Derek Smith • 15 August 2023
a white butterfly on a thistle head
Being a hobbyist photographer can often be a very solitary pastime, getting out to various locations taking the photographs, and developing the skills needed to master your camera, and the art of seeing an image will all take time before you become proficient in your hobby. When you’ve taken the very best images of your chosen subject that you possibly can, what do you do with those images? Do you share them on social media, with friends, or relatives? Or are the images just sitting on your computer?

Belonging to a photographic club is one of the best ways to quickly become proficient in your chosen hobby, it is a place where you can share ideas, and have valuable critique on your images. Learning composition techniques, sharing camera settings, and being involved in a group outing or workshop can all help develop your skills. I well remember one of our members, who is a very competent landscape, and street photographer, coming along to one of our outings to the Cadwell Circuit and never having photographed racing motorcycles before, took one of the best images from the whole afternoon. At one of our studio portrait sessions, many of those members who attended commented on how much they had not only enjoyed portraiture, but also learned a lot in the process.

Competitions held within the club also develop skills, and motivation. I find that it motivates me to get out with my camera and take the photos that I normally wouldn’t even consider taking, it gives me a subject to go and seek out. One of the topics for a future competition is “Chimneys”, and this within a 25 mile radius of Louth, now I would never normally consider taking a photo of a chimney, but I must go, seek them out, and produce the images for that competition. One aspect of competitions that sometimes causes issues is that a judge’s opinion of a photograph is subjective, often a judge will give full marks for a photograph, but the same photograph placed before another judge will receive low marks: nothing against the photographer, or the photograph, just simply a difference of opinion. Overall, the benefits of entering competitions far outweigh the drawbacks, the judge’s critique is usually very helpful, and feedback from your peers when reviewing a photograph is useful.

The social aspect of being in a photographic club can never be underestimated, the weekly meetings, the summer outings, the annual dinner, and the Christmas buffet all engender a feeling of belonging.

I am immensely proud to belong to the Louth Photographic Society, we are a diverse mix of men, and women, with different skills, and attributes, a friendly, welcoming, bunch, sharing ideas, and suggestions, where needed.

Now for some very welcome news, over the last few months our club has been involved in a friendly interclub “Battles” competition. Each Lincolnshire club has to select 15 photographic prints by their members to be judged against 15 photographic prints from each of two other clubs in the same meeting, the points derived from the various rounds at different club venues are collated, and the highest scoring clubs go forward to the final “Battle” to be held at Nettleham Village Hall on Sunday 15th October, the judge will be Malcolm Sales QEP, ABIPP, ARPS. Four clubs will participate in the final “Battle”, Deepings, Grimsby, Pinchbeck, and Louth, yes, we’re in the final!

Finally, if you’ve managed to stay alert during all my ramblings, the answers to the quiz that I set you on my last post.

A – Rachel, taken with a full frame Sony A7ii, and Sony 85mm f/1.8 lens
B – Amy, taken with an APS-C Fuji X-S20, and Fuji XF 50mm f/2 lens
C – Fleur, taken with a micro four thirds Olympus OM-D E-M5iii, and Sigma 30mm f/1.4 lens

If you didn’t get any of those right you would not be alone, whether your camera costs £200, or £2000 the gear does not matter that much, the skill of the photographer matters far more. 

Louth Photographic Society

by Derek Smith 13 February 2025
It’s always interesting to view other members photographic work, most of the work displayed from other photographers is only shown in our competitions. Our meeting held last night was “Presidents Night”, a chance to view what photographic subjects, and outings that Graham Harrison has taken over last year, and some from proceeding years. Members were treated to an impressive cornucopia of projected images, Graham showed photos from his trips to Conwy, Wales, the Yorkshire, and Northumberland coasts. These are just some of the images from Grahams extensive collection of images. Thank you, Graham, for a very interesting evening, Dave Mann for refreshments; always much appreciated, and a big welcome to our newest member Steve Chapman.
by Graham Harrison 9 February 2025
Good Morning All Last week at the club we held a PDI competition, with the categories of "Local Still Life" and "Open", member Tony Gaskins judged the Open with a lot of thought and advice shortlisting nine and picking Derek Smith's portrait G'day as the overall winner. I then had the task of judging the still life, there were quite a lot of different ideas for still life, but I shortlisted the ones I thought fitted the subject best and picking Derek Smith's coffee break which in my opinion was an excellent example of still life photography. The results with images of the top three are on our website. Entries for print of the year (POTY) need bringing in this Wednesday with an email of your titles and which subject the photograph is in to Dave Turner please. This coming week, Wednesday 12th February, for President's night; I will be showing PDI's including some from Yorkshire and North Wales. Regards Graham
by Derek Smith 7 February 2025
We held our PDI competition last night, with the categories of “Local Still Life”, and “Open”. Tony Gaskins began the evening with his judging of the “Open” category, which I always feel is the more difficult category to judge. Tony performed the task of judging excellently, assessing each image as presented to him, providing thoughtful, and useful critique on the various submitted entries. Tony “held back” nine images for further assessment to award a higher points score, then finally choosing the top three images, keeping members in suspense, I was surprised when Tony selected my portrait of a male model as first place. “G’day” was a portrait of a Hungarian male model over for an inexpensive short break in Skegness, I provided the Australian bush hat, and scarf as props for this photo. After the break, it was Graham Harrison’s turn to perform the judging role, this time for the “Local Still Life” category. I personally found this a particularly difficult category to shoot, the keys to a successful image in this category, are imagination, creativity, and most important the lighting of the subject. I use LED constant lighting for still life, as do other members, because the lighting can be positioned exactly as required. I had several unsuccessful attempts at producing images for this category, before selecting three images for submission into the competition. Graham skillfully selected eight images as “hold backs” before choosing the final top three, again I was surprised to find my “Coffee Time” image in first place. Overall, some stunning images were entered into the competition, making for a successful evening, the website Competition page has been updated with the full results. A big thank you to Tony, and Graham for judging, and Dave Mann for his hard work providing the refreshments.
by Graham Harrison 2 February 2025
Good Morning All Thank you Peter for your presentation on Cuba and Prague. We did have a bit of an iffy start to the night but thanks to Paul Rudd the night was saved and power restored. There is a full report on our blog. This week, Wednesday 5th February, we are holding a local competition, with the categories of "Local Still Life" and "Open" (no restrictions) all entries need to be in by midnight tonight, I will be judging the still life and Tony Gaskins the open. It will soon be our print of the year, POTY, to newer members who might think February is an unusual time for the competition it's because our camera club year runs from the first Wednesday in May to the last Wednesday in April. You need to send your titles to Dave Turner and bring your prints on February 12th. All the information on entering the print of the year is on our website but feel free to email Dave if you are unsure. Don't forget to think about the March PDI competition including the moon, the one I took at Linwood would just about qualify. There is also the "Prime Time" project, of one photo a month taken with a prime lens to think about now we are into February. Regards Graham
by Derek Smith 30 January 2025
Our very own Peter Cory gave an insightful, and interesting talk on his travels to Cuba, and Prague in the Czech Republic. Peter began his illustrated talk with his visit to Havana, Cuba where he had a week’s holiday in 2000 with family. His photos gave a traveller’s viewpoint of Cuba, with some rundown buildings in the poorer areas, the iconic American cars from the 1950s, and the majesty of the Spanish built cathedral. After the break, Peter continued his talk with his visit to Prague in 2009, and compared to Cuba, the historic city centre looked prosperous and clean. The various photos of Prague made me want to visit the city for a short break sometime in the future. Many thanks to Peter for taking the time to compile the talk, and present to members of the club for a fascinating evening.
by Graham Harrison 26 January 2025
Good Morning, All Last week at the club we had our 2024 project night, "Numbers", only four members had completed the project, hopefully it inspired you to do this year's project "Prime Time" otherwise you may have to put up with one of my old presentations again. There is a report on our website covering the evening. This week, Wednesday 29th January, our member Peter Cory will be giving a presentation on Cuba and Prague. Don't forget to send your local PDI's to Harry, the subject is "Still Life" which you can take in your own house if you wanted, so don't have to venture far, the trick I have found is coming up with ideas. There is also an Open competition. Deadline is midnight, Sunday 2nd February. Harry would also like six PDI's from us all for the N&EMPF club PDI competition, the main rule is they should not have already been in the NEMPF PDI competition and be the best you have. The N&EMPF projector has a 4:3 aspect ratio, so images should be resized to a maximum 1600px width, and 1200px height. Regards Graham
by Derek Smith 23 January 2025
At our meeting last night members presented their 2024 “Numbers” Projects, this was one photo each month, where the photo included a number. The Society chooses a different project each year, for this year, 2025, the project will be “Prime Time”, one photo each month using the same prime (fixed focal length) lens. The evening was well attended, the members images displayed were of high quality, and showed individuality, and creativity in the approach to the project. Graham rounded off the evening with a viewing of his images taken over last summer, and at Beamish. All the images can be viewed on the Projects Page, listed under the Competition Page on the navigation bar.
by Graham Harrison 19 January 2025
Good Morning All There has been a lot of cold foggy weather lately, not to be put off I have been out walking around Binbrook taking a few winter Photos. Last week at the club we were treated to some excellent photography in our monthly PDI competition, in particular the Open competition was of such a high standard our judge Steve Chapman held back nineteen of the photographs out of twenty-four. All the results are on our website. This week, Wednesday 22nd January, those of us who took part in last years project, "Numbers", it is your chance to show us how you interpreted the subject and show your final twelve photographs, which should be one from each month. It is also a good time to start this years project, "Prime Time", one photograph a month taken with the same prime lens. If you don't have a prime lens, use a zoom set to the same focal length for each photograph. Richard Hildred also asked us to send him a few monochrome photographs that he can use in his demonstration in a few weeks' time. You can send them to myself or Derek if you don't have Richard's email. Regards Graham
by Derek Smith 16 January 2025
This was the Society's first meeting after the Christmas break, and it had a good attendance for the first competition of the New Year. The PDI competition, was judged by Steve Chapman, it was his first visit as a judge to the club. The competition had two categories: “Shadows” and “Open”. Steve judged the “Shadows” category first, where members showed great creativity. Entries included tree shadows on buildings, monochrome shadows of people, benches casting long shadows at Whitby, and Dave Turner's winning image of a man's shadow on a wet pavement. After the break, Steve judged the “Open” category. The high-quality images from various genres made judging challenging. He shortlisted 19 entries and then awarded points to choose the top three placements. Tony Gaskins entry of a dawn seascape at Mablethorpe was placed first in this category. The evening competition featured numerous high standard entries, and Steve Chapman, as judge, provided insight, knowledge, and a well-considered critique. The full results, and top three images in each category can be viewed on our website Competition page. Thanks to our judge Steve Chapman, Dave Mann for refreshments, and Paul Rudd on finances.
by Graham Harrison 12 January 2025
Good Morning All I have been out and about working and have seen quite a lot of flooding out at Brandy Wharf and frost at Linwood warren. We start back at the club this Wednesday 15th, after our Christmas break. We start with a PDI competition, with the categories of "shadows" and "open" to be judged by Steve Chapman. The following week is project night when you can show what you did for last year's project which was numbers. Regards Graham
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